ESTO ES POESIA. (this is poetry)

domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2009

el hijo del capataz

(the son of the man that overlooked the construction of our house)

i never said i was sorry
we were kids playing outside
i bit his finger really hard
his father worked for my family

we were kids playing outside
hidden behind the construction and its chaos
his father worked for my family
this sort of thing was included in the arrangement

hidden behind the construction and its chaos
the teeth marks red and bleeding
this sort of thing was included in the arrangement
his mother forced him to play with me

the teeth marks red and bleeding
pidele perdon al joven
his mother forced him to play with me
she would always apologize for his cries

pidele perdon al joven
i demanded somebody to play with
she would always apologize for his cries
every day a similar ritual

i demanded somebody to play with
a partner in dissecting bees
every day a similar ritual
the crying would follow soon

a partner in dissecting bees
- stretch out your hand -
the crying would follow soon
and still it lingers in my head:

- stretch out your hand -
i bit his finger really hard
and still it lingers in my head:
i never said i was sorry

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