ESTO ES POESIA. (this is poetry)

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

in the beginning it was us (part five)

the dinosaurs were ready for the exception, it was the particles that claimed otherwise. a three pronged mike-stand pointing towards the sky can seem ubiquitous, as if a definite direction might entail some level of precognition, of accepting alternative routes when the conditions worsen, and the parking lots riddle themselves with cables and permits. coffee is not an option, the milk would never settle into the foundation. jupiter and mars still honor the festivities. a young mother cries her hungry daughter to sleep, no electricity, no running water, the elections are still too far in between. but still make a living, publish, further your career, celebrate the transient nature of matter, only to rejoice in the lack of substance, of a worthy reason behind so much movement.

sobre escenarios

jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2009

calling out - gente:

if there is anyone that would like to receive some stickers and become a part of the AMLT family going around this crazy globe, then please give me your complete address and i will gladly send you some of this poem's limbs.

si alguien quisiera recibir algunos stickers y formar parte de la familia AMLT que anda viajando por este torcido mundo, por favor envíeme su dirección exacta y gustosamente le enviaré algunas de las extremidades de este poema.



domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2009



el hijo del capataz

(the son of the man that overlooked the construction of our house)

i never said i was sorry
we were kids playing outside
i bit his finger really hard
his father worked for my family

we were kids playing outside
hidden behind the construction and its chaos
his father worked for my family
this sort of thing was included in the arrangement

hidden behind the construction and its chaos
the teeth marks red and bleeding
this sort of thing was included in the arrangement
his mother forced him to play with me

the teeth marks red and bleeding
pidele perdon al joven
his mother forced him to play with me
she would always apologize for his cries

pidele perdon al joven
i demanded somebody to play with
she would always apologize for his cries
every day a similar ritual

i demanded somebody to play with
a partner in dissecting bees
every day a similar ritual
the crying would follow soon

a partner in dissecting bees
- stretch out your hand -
the crying would follow soon
and still it lingers in my head:

- stretch out your hand -
i bit his finger really hard
and still it lingers in my head:
i never said i was sorry

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

las horas pasan

y dejar que se caigan los últimos rezagos.

verlos alejarse sin sentir la necesidad de evitar el exilio, la transferencia de tecnologías a un cuarto mundo.

disculparse frente a las autoridades por todo el escándalo y encender las luces.

presenciar la reacción del senado: tanto movimiento, tan pocos resultados.

las horas pasan, tus labios permanecen intactos.

como si el campo de batalla pudiera albergar algo más que un puñado determinado de años

o que el nivel del agua al llegar el final del verano, será siempre el mismo.